Your Generosity Is Changing Lives
Online giving has a brand new look! You can now give, set up recurring contributions, and download your giving statement by creating your new Fellowship One account.
A tithe—which just means “tenth”—is defined as the first 10% of a person’s income that is to be given back to the local church. Tithing is a principle that is taught throughout the entire Bible. When we tithe, we are expressing worship in a tangible way by putting God first in our lives. Bringing our tithes is an opportunity for us to give God our thanks, show God we trust Him, and fight against greed in our hearts…all while allowing us to be a part of the most important work in life that is spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ!

Giving Back
Throughout Scripture, We Are Reminded….
of the importance of giving back to God a portion of what He has so generously provided for us. His Word tells us that giving our tithes and offerings to Him is an act of worship. We should give with a cheerful heart; so thankful for all that He has done. Luke 6:38 (NLT) says, “If you give, you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full measure, pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, and running over. Whatever measure you use in giving, large or small, it will be used to measure what is given back to you.” As we are faithful to obey Him, He is faithful to respond with blessings we cannot contain. In today’s world, it is hard to escape the new technologies. Through it, we now have new ways of banking, investing, and giving, and many have expressed a great interest in donating online. This system allows you to give a one- time gift or set up recurring contributions. While we know that many of you use credit cards for convenience, and pay the balance each month, please understand that we neither support nor advise making your donation from a line of credit (i.e. Credit Card, Loan, Home Equity, etc.) unless you have the funds already available to you. We are so grateful for the time, talents, and gifts you give in support of this ministry. Your sacrifice is evident each week. Thank you for all you do in helping to reach a city, a nation, and the world for Christ.

How to Text To Give:
- Text CITS to 45777 and follow the prompts
- If this is your first time, click the link to complete a one-time form securely linking your phone with your card information.
- You’ll receive a confirmation text and email with every gift
- Save the number for easy reference

Click here to make a digital Faith Promise commitment